Mike Diamond Services

Water is the New Oil

water is the new gold

These days, oil as a precious resource is being supplanted in our minds by the need for water. The last couple years of drought in California are some of the worst we have ever experienced. Water is a resource that is often taken for granted; yet it’s required for so many industries, conveniences, and aspects of life—not to mention future generations. Let’s all do our part in conserving water this summer, starting with heeding the following advice from expert plumbers.

Economic Impacts of the California Drought

The third-driest year on record in California was recorded in 2014. While demands for water are at an all-time high, agricultural producers who don’t have water to irrigate crops and take care of livestock are feeling the biggest economic pains. Economic losses are estimated at $2.2 billion in 2014 alone.

What’s Prohibited

Here are some of the most important regulations that apply to all water use in California:

For more information and updates about regulations, check out the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Quick Tips to Beat the Drought

Water conservation in California remains one of the best tools for drought management. Take a couple minutes to walk around your home and check the items below to reduce your household water consumption.

If you are concerned about conserving water in California home, check out our helpful hints and tips for saving water and beating the California drought. We also offer a free house call for first-time customers. Schedule service with the water conservation experts at Mike Diamond Services today!

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