Mike Diamond Services

How to Prepare Your Home’s Plumbing for a New Baby

Woman with newborn baby in a bright home

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, there’s probably a little bundle of joy coming into your life soon. You’ve probably read everything there is to know about caring for newborns and you’re thirsty for even more information. After all, there’s no such thing as too much preparation when it comes to your kids. 

Speaking of prepared: have you prepared your home’s plumbing for your new arrival? That probably seems like an odd question to you. Plumbing may seem like the one thing you don’t have to spend time preparing for the arrival of a baby. Believe it or not, however, your home’s plumbing and HVAC affect the comfort of your newborn very directly. Everything about caring for a baby gets easier when everyone’s living in a comfortable, safe space. Plumbing and HVAC are a huge part of that. You can best prepare your home’s plumbing for a new baby with the following tips:

Make some efficiency upgrades. 

The best way to prepare your home’s plumbing for a new addition is by having some helpful upgrades made. 

Install baby-proofing products. 

We’re sure you already have all the outlet covers and cupboard locks you could ever need. That said, have you considered the baby-proofing products you need for your home plumbing? They make silicone soft faucet covers to protect little heads. Some products even offer high tech water temperature measurements.

Additionally, you’re going to want to get toilet cover locks. These will help once your little one starts to become mobile. They keep babies away from dangerous water and keep them from throwing anything down the drain.

Keep your plumbing baby-safe. 

Obviously, your main priority is to help you keep your baby safe from your plumbing. You’ll also want to help keep your plumbing safe from your baby, however. The biggest plumbing problem new parents usually face is a sudden increase in clogged toilets. These happen because you’re suddenly trying to flush baby wipes down the toilet. 

Remember: even wipes that say they’re flushable aren’t really flushable. “Flushable” just means they just break down a little faster than their non-flushable counterparts. Both varieties get stuck in pipes easily and both varieties may lead to clogs in need of drain cleaning.


If you’re about to become a parent, the time to address plumbing issues and make upgrades is now. You won’t have time for plumbing problems–or much of anything else–once the baby arrives! Make sure your plumbing is up-to-date, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about when you… will really want to have one less thing to worry about.

If you want to make sure your plumbing can’t give up on you when you need it most, give Mike Diamond a call. We’ll make sure everything’s looking good, so all you have to worry about is your baby. That… will probably be more than enough to worry about anyway. Good luck, and congratulations!

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