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5 Tips For Keeping Your Kitchen Sink Clean and Clear

clean-looking kitchen sink in bright room

The kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where you come together to cook, eat, chat, and spend time with your loved ones. To keep it healthy, you have to keep its parts healthy – and that includes the sink. Take heed of these tips for keeping your kitchen sink clean, clear, and in perfect working condition.

Don’t pour grease down the drain

Grease is one of the biggest banes for kitchen drains everywhere because it’s liquid when you pour it down, but then… it hardens. And when it hardens, it blocks your drain, and you know what – that causes nothing but problems. One way to remove built up grease in your drains is by squirting a bunch of liquid dish soap down the drain, then pouring down a pot of boiling water. The heat will melt the blockage and the detergent will help dissolve whatever is left behind.

Watch the food waste

It’s tempting to put the sprayer on high and use it to push all your food waste, bits of rice, crumbs, and other nonsense down the drain. Don’t do it! Put your food waste in the garbage where it belongs to help avoid long term stinky pipe build-up.

Turn the temperature up

Hot water has a lot of great functions other than helping to make tea or warming cold hands in winter. It helps to dissolve many types of drain build-up, so run some extra hot water down the drain once a week to help keep ickiness from growing. This is great advice for maintaining bathroom sinks as well, not just the ones in your kitchen.

Use a little DIY magic

Cleaning your kitchen sink is about more than just swishing water around and wiping it with a paper towel. We recommend doing a little DIY sink maintenance on the regular to avoid problem build ups. It’s good to avoid bleach or abrasive cleaners on common kitchen materials like stainless steel, but there are other solutions. Here’s one of them: put a cup of baking soda in a jar, add some drops of your favorite essential oil and a squirt of dish soap, shake it up and use it and a cloth to wipe out your sink. It’ll smell and look better than it has in a long time, we guarantee it.

Whether your kitchen sink is currently funky or fresh, our Smell Good Plumbers at Mike Diamond are available to assist you 24/7 with whatever kitchen sink or general plumbing problem you might have.

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