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4 Reasons to Consider New Pipes For The New Year

New year’s resolutions don’t always have to be glamorous. Becoming a movie star, learning to fly a helicopter, or digging up buried treasure sound great, but sometimes it’s better to think closer to home. The number one resolution we recommend for our clients is the decision to install new pipes in your home.

Here are four reasons to consider repiping your home as your new year’s resolution:

They’re getting old

Here’s a piece of super secret plumbing knowledge: pipes don’t last forever. Copper varieties can last between approximately sixty and eighty years with galvanized steel pipes living up to a century. The lifespan of your home’s piping depends on several factors: insulation, the use of chemical cleaners, water quality, and more. Some more-obvious signs that your pipes are getting old include: frequent clogs, an unreasonably high water bill, and frequent leaks.

Your current pipes are made from polybutylene

Lead pipes are an obvious no-no. They can leach lead into the water you use for cooking and bathing, and pose a serious health risk. They’re not the only pipe material you need to look out for, however.

After people started getting away from lead piping and toward alternative options, there was an increase in the use of polybutylene pipes in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. While not as directly dangerous, polybutylene pipes are incredibly prone to breakage and, in many cases, replacing them can save you a lot of money that would otherwise be wasted recovering from a burst pipe.

You’re starting to notice low pressure and icky looking water

If your water isn’t coming out with the right pressure or color, there’s a problem. Pipes that are especially corroded are going to flake pieces of metal and rust into the water that then comes out of your faucets. It will make your water feel harder, taste horrible, and – most obviously – look kind of brown and gross.

Discolored water is one of the most obvious signs of pipes that are desperately in need of replacement. The way your water feels as opposed to how it looks can be a big warning sign, too. The same minerals and corrosion that discolor your water will build-up within your pipes and can decrease the pressure to the point of uselessness.

You’re interested in trying different piping material

There are a few different options out there when it comes to the piping material within your home. If, for some reason, you aren’t happy with what you currently have, look into switching to new copper or PEX (crosslinked polyethylene) piping depending on what works best for your home.


If this list has convinced you that this time of year is the perfect time to invest in repiping your home, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Mike Diamond. We’d be happy to talk about the best custom option for you and your home today. Happy new year!

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