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5 Ways to Prettify Your Plumbing Fixtures

White and stylish bathroom in the houseWe all know that keeping your pipes clean, your sink clear, and your cleaning up to date are the most important things to consider when it comes to your home plumbing fixtures. Those aren’t the only important details, however. You want to love your home, and keeping your plumbing fixtures looking interesting and engaging adds to that feeling of pride just as much as quality care does.

Here are some ways to prettify your fixtures that won’t be too challenging for any at-home and white bathroom

Check out current design trends.

If what you want is switch out a fixture or two to prettify your plumbing, but you aren’t sure what direction to go in, it’s a good option to look into current design trends. Some current trends you could think about for your bathroom fixtures include retro black and white color schemes, polished chrome and rose gold finishes, and nature-inspired designs.

hand with spray paint canSlap a little spray paint on.

It may seem scary to spray paint some of your plumbing fixtures, such as an out of date faucet and knobs in the bathroom or kitchen, but with the recent resurgence of spray paint fever, there are plenty of how-to guides just a search away. All you’ll need is some plastic sheeting, painters’ tape, sandpaper, metal-friendly spray paint, and a healthy dose of DIY creativity.

Look to the past.faucet for cold water in the bathroom

If you’re not willing to commit to spray paint or expensive new plumbing fixtures, there are still great options for you to prettify things. Try going to estate sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops to find left behind fixtures that could be given a second life when added to your home. The faucet handles of your dreams could be waiting around the corner in a nearby garage sale for $.25. The only way to find them is to look!

Go futuristic.LED shower head on the black background

A showerhead doesn’t have to just spout water anymore. In fact, there are plenty of high tech options for shower heads available now with wide ranges of capabilities that can not only revitalize your bathroom, but your whole relationship with your home and technology. There are lot of options available now that can do things like connect to the internet, play music, control temperatures based on pre-set criteria, and more. Plus, if the idea of a futuristic shower head is a little intimidating, there are always professionals out there that can help you with all your plumbing needs.

Tree trunks covered in bright knitsTake a cue from graffiti knitters.

Have you ever heard of graffiti knitting? It’s a social trend where knitters will go out and cover public places – benches, street signs, fire hydrants and the like – in hand-knit creations. If you happen to be a knitter, or have one in your home, take a cue from these trend-setters and knit a nice wrap for any visible pipes you might have under your sinks. This can add a pop of easily changed color, personality, and fun to any exposed pipe you might have in your home.

While you’re focusing on keeping your kitchen and bathroom beautiful, don’t forget to keep things clean and clear as well. If you ever have any problems you need help with, the Smell Good Plumbers at Mike Diamond are available to assist you 24/7.

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