Smart thermostats aren’t just a fancier way to control your home’s temperature. Contemporary smart thermostats allow you far greater control over indoor temperature and humidity than any conventional thermostat could. That increased control will help you save money on power, use your HVAC more efficiently, and live more comfortably.
The big difference between smart thermostats and their conventional equivalents is that smart thermostats can be programmed digitally. Programming allows you to manually or automatically dictate the temperature of your home to the degree at any time. You can even set the program to run in advance or from your phone! Digital programming can help make your life easier and more efficient in all kinds of ways. Here are a few of the main ways smart thermostats and their digital programming could improve your life:
They save you money.
Perhaps ironically, the single biggest reason to invest in a Wi-Fi enabled smart thermostat is to save money. The manufacturers of the Nest thermostat say that you can save 15 percent on cooling costs and over 10 percent on heating costs with one of their devices.
Considering that smart thermostats aren’t too expensive to install in the first place, these savings are a big deal. The money you save on HVAC power costs will essentially pay for the thermostat quickly, and then some!
They make your home more eco-friendly.
Possessing better control over your thermostat allows you to manage your home’s energy use much more effectively. You can quickly, easily turn up and down your home’s temperature to save power. For instance, you could program your thermostat to turn off your AC when you’re at work. Instead of cooling an empty house for hours while you’re away, your HVAC gets a break… and doesn’t waste power.
You could even program the AC to kick back on half an hour before you get home. Your living space will feel as cool as always, and you’ll stop paying to cool an empty space for 8 hours. Your programming saves money and wastes far less power, which will drastically reduce your personal environmental impact. Most smart thermostats offer energy reports that show how much energy you’re using. Some even keep track of behavioral trends that offer helpful insights into how you use your HVAC.
They allow you remote control of your home’s climate.
Most smart thermostats come with WiFi capabilities and online app access. These tools give you the ability to control your thermostat and therefore your home’s heating and cooling from your phone. You’ll be able to dictate the temperature of your home anytime, anywhere. If something unexpected happens, you can turn off or re-program the HVAC to adapt on the fly.
When you’re out and want to come home to a slightly warmer or cooler home, your smart thermostat can accommodate. If you’re sick in bed and need to turn up the thermostat without moving, you can! Controlling your thermostat remotely is easy, convenient, and makes your HVAC more efficient and eco-friendly.
They can interface with other smart devices.
Your modern smart thermostat doesn’t just connect to your smartphone, either. If you have an interactive device like an Amazon Echo or Google Home, you might be able to connect the two.
Connecting your thermostat to one of these devices gives you even more options and benefits. If you’re ever feeling cold, you could simply tell your device to turn up the heat. Wondering about the temperature of your home? Your device could tell you right away. Going out? Have your device turn off or turn down the AC with a word. Smart device integration makes it easier than ever to manage your home’s temperature to your comfort and satisfaction.
They’re simply easier to use.
If you want to use your traditional thermostat, you have to interface with the device directly. When you get there, you’ll find your options are quite limited. You can turn up and down the temperature, but you can’t interact with your HVAC in any other way.
Smart thermostats are much more convenient. You can control them remotely, via smart devices, or manually. When you’re controlling them, you can dictate virtually everything about how you want your home to feel. You’ll receive much more information and can make more decisions.
Long story short: Installing a smart thermostat gives you more control over your home. They let you set the temperature more accurately, program preferred settings, and even suggest ways to optimize your energy usage. They’re easy to install and use, to boot. What’s not to love?
If you’re interested in getting your own smart thermostat, give the team at Mike Diamond a call. We’ll help find the perfect solution for your home heating and cooling needs.