Pumpkin spice lattes are back in stores. People are swapping t-shirts for… long sleeve t-shirts. The days are getting ever-so-slightly shorter and leaves are getting ever-so-slightly crispier. There’s no denying it: fall is coming. And even here in California, it gets cooler in fall. Well, a little cooler anyway.
Is your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system prepared for cooler temperatures? Don’t wait until the last second to make sure your system is ready. Even if you don’t use your heating at all this season, seasonal changes will still affect it. Make sure your family stays comfortable this fall by checking the following maintenance tasks off of your to-do list. These projects will keep your HVAC in shipshape, so it’ll be there when you need it.
Prep your home itself.
First and foremost, take the time to seal any gaps and breeches around the perimeter of your home. Start by checking each of the entryways around your home for damage or wear. Replace the caulk around doors and windows. Repair any cracked brick or stone. Fix drafts as you come across them.
These kinds of repairs don’t technically have to do with preparing your HVAC itself, but they still help. Patching up drafts and gaps reduces potential heat or energy loss. Your HVAC won’t have to work as hard, which means it will last longer and run more efficiently.
Schedule annual seasonal maintenance.
Routine maintenance is important for all the intricate systems in your home. Whether it’s plumbing, electrical, or HVAC, your home needs check-ups l just like your body does. Fall is a perfect time for these check-ups.
Scheduling your maintenance proactively will help head off potential problems before they become serious concerns later in the season. Maintenance will also ensure your HVAC operates as effectively as possible when you need it most. Don’t wait to fix problems until you need your HVAC; prevent them with the help of routine maintenance.
Test all your heating systems.
This is the same principle as letting a car warm up for a minute or so to help it run more smoothly. Transitioning straight from no use to regular use during the winter or summer can place a significant strain on your HVAC system.
By running your HVAC before the season, you’ll accomplish two things. First, you’ll help your HVAC system “warm-up” and run more effectively later in the season. Just as importantly, you’ll also be able to identify any potential problems early. If you notice any issues, then you’ll be able to fix those issues before you really need your HVAC later.
Change out all your filters.
Changing your HVAC’s air filters is easy and makes a big difference. Fresh, clean filters increase efficiency, help keep the HVAC system clean and maintained, and save you money.
You can find HVAC air filter replacements at most hardware stores. Different HVAC brands use different kinds of filters, so be sure to check your brand before you go. If you can’t figure out which filter you need, check online, consult the owner’s manual, or call the installer.
When it comes to preparing for fall and winter, a little foresight goes a long way. Following these simple maintenance tips will help make sure your HVAC runs effectively when you need it.
If you need any help tackling these tasks, don’t hesitate to give the team at Mike Diamond a call. We’ve got the heating expertise you need to keep autumn enjoyable instead of stressful.