Has this ever happened to you? You wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom to wash your face, and… water won’t come out of your faucet. It’s certainly not the way you want to start your day, but what can you do?
Why is your sink not working? There could be a number of reasons. Here are some step-by-step instructions you can follow to figure out what went wrong and hopefully get your water flowing again.
7 Steps to Take When Water Isn’t Coming Out of Your Faucet
1. Try Another Faucet
If other fixtures still work fine, then the reason your bathroom sink won’t is because there’s something wrong with the faucet. It could be clogged, dislodged, bent, or broken, or something even simpler–the sink valve under the sink may just be closed!
Worst case scenario, you’ll have to replace the faucet, but that’s actually pretty easy if you know how.

2. Try Cold Water
If the cold water seems to flow fine, but you can’t get it hot, then your water heater is probably malfunctioning. Heater issues can happen for a couple reasons–it could simply be turned off or unplugged, perhaps the pilot went out or sediment buildup could be blocking the heating element. The heater might even be leaking.
Check that your water heater pilot is lit and that the heat goes on. If it is working, try flushing the heater and then give it time to heat back up. If flushing doesn’t work, you may need to service or replace your heater.

3. Check Your Water Main
This might seem too obvious, but it happens: If you have no water in your house suddenly, make sure your main is open. If your mainline valve is closed, no water will be able to flow into any of your home’s supply lines.
Open the valve all the way, and double-check your faucets. See more below about stuck valves if you have trouble with yours.

4. Call Your Water Company
It’s possible that this problem isn’t your problem at all. Sometimes utility companies need to turn off water to specific areas in order to perform maintenance. You will usually receive advance notice in these instances.
Call your supply company and ask if they’ve turned the water off in your area. You can also check with neighbors to see if they’re experiencing the same problem.

5. Check For a Stuck Valve
If you have a hard time turning your main valve, it might be stuck in a closed or partially open position. Your water will struggle to move past the valve’s restricted opening, causing it to lose pressure in the process. If too much pressure is used to move past the restricted opening, your water might not have enough to make it all the way to your faucets.
Open the valve if possible. You may have to use a pliers or wrench. Just be careful not to strip or otherwise damage the valve. Even if you get your valve open, invest in having it checked or replaced before it can cause bigger issues. If your main shut off valve is corroded or stuck in place, have a certified plumber install a new one.

6. Check For Leaking or Denting
Pipe leaks can reduce your water pressure too, especially pipe leaks near the mainline. Starting in your basement, follow your plumbing’s water supply lines. Look for condensation, dripping, leaking, and other signs of rupture. A significant enough leak or dent in a pipe could keep any water from getting where it’s supposed to.
Use plumber’s tape to wrap the leak for a quick fix, then call us and we’ll fix or replace the pipe for you.

7. Unclog or Replace Your Pipes
Built up sediment and corrosion can restrict flow through your supply pipes. Eventually, sediment causes the same flow and pressure problems leaks or stuck valves can. If your pipes are old or made of outdated material, it’s possible that heavy metal and lime deposits or rust and corrosion have clogged them up from the inside.
A professional can use video inspection and hydro jetting equipment to clean all that gunk out of your pipes. If your pipes are too thin and brittle, you will need to replace them.
I Still Have No Running Water, Who Do I Call?
If none of these seem to be the problem, never fear! Give Mike Diamond a call if:
- Your water stops running then starts again
- Your shower won’t turn on
- Your shower won’t stop running
- You have no water in the shower but your sinks are fine
- No water coming out of any taps
Simply put, if your water is not working the way it should, we’ll get it flowing again right away.